모든 카테고리

Honor of Kings Tokens

초고속 배송
초고속 배송
공식 버전
공식 버전
직접 충전
Honor of Kings Top-up Weekly Card Plus₩ 4081.35
결제 방법 선택
이메일 입력

Honor of Kings Tokens 상품 상세 정보

What is in the Weekly Card Plus?

240 Tokens and 200 Points Coupon and 3 Epic Skin Experience Cards.

How to top up Honor of Kings Tokens?

1. Select the Honor of Kings denomination.

2. Enter your Player ID.

3. Check out and select your payment method.

4. Once payment is made, the Honor of Kings Tokens you purchased will be credited to your account shortly.

How to find Honor of Kings Player ID?

1. Use your account to login the game.

2. Click your Avatar and enter personal Homepage.

3. Expand the setting on top right and select view UID.

4. Your Player ID will be displayed.


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